4 BEST WAYS TO GET SIX PACKS ABS IN JUST 2 WEEKS Whether you’re aiming to achieve your fitness goals or simply want to look good in a swimsuit, acquiring a sculpted set of six-pack abs is a goal shared by many. Getting a six-pack requires dedication and hard work, but you don’t have to hit the gym seven days a week or become a professional bodybuilder to do so. Instead, a few modifications to your diet and lifestyle can be enough to produce serious, long-lasting results. Here are 8 simple ways to achieve six-pack abs quickly and safely. 1. Do More Cardio Share on Pinterest Cardio, also called aerobic exercise, is any form of exercise that increases your heart rate. Regularly incorporating cardio into your routine can help you burn extra fat and speed your way to a set of six-pack abs. Studies show that cardio is especially effective when it comes to reducing belly fat, which can help make your abdominal muscl...